Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Slammin' doors..............DAMN !!!! that hurt

On Friday my finger was broken in 3 different places. It would be "somewhat" ok if it had been my entire finger but, no ladies and gentleman, it was just the tip. Just the tip of my left middle finger ( my Favorite ) was crushed by a 300 lb. door. It happened at work, we were opening partitions which create one large room out of two small ones. The partitions are huge moving walls basically; hinged together they create a giant sliding wall. I pushed, they contracted, my finger was caught in the middle and bent 90 degrees the wrong direction, OUCH!!!! Luckily I work directly next door to the hospital so, receiving treatment was easy as walking down a flight of stairs, out the door, across a pavilion and into Occupational Medicines waiting room.

Now, I initially thought my finger was just dislocated so I prepared myself to simply "pop, lock, & drop it". My co-worker Al Davis who had played semi-pro football for some years and suffered many broken fingers took one look and said, "Umm, it's broken". I took his assessment and did nothing to it.

After sitting in Occupational Medicine from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm it was confirmed, my bloody finger was broke, DAMN. Wait let me just re-iterate, 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM........They said they may have to do surgery to correct the torn tendons and replace the now rubble part of my finger. Surgery? What? Shiite man!! the busy season just started and I need all the overtime I can get to help finance this new house me and my girl just invested in. Missing work is not an option. It's now the beginning of my Labor Day weekend and even though I had no set plans this incident dislocated me from most of the norm I was expecting.

I spent Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, & Monday with a makeshift splint holding my finger somewhat straight. Don't get me wrong the hand specialist who examined me did a great job of crunching the bones back into place but, I would have loved to know my prognosis on surgery that Friday. Instead I sat around all weekend waiting for Today (Tuesday ) to find out my "F-You" fingers fate.

Today, I went to the doctor's office and they stated that the previous Dr. who had set it back in place did a well enough jib that I probably wouldn't need surgery ( hopefully ). I got a new ergonomic splint and was sent on my way.

Now I left out allot of details in all of this. I'm still new to this writing forum but any questions you have please feel free to ask. I'm sure throughout the night I will be back to post again. right now I'm heading the kitchen to cook up some good grub, broken finger and all.........................


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